Five Ways To Be Serious
"In every success story, the longest chapter is the one about determination."While life demands many things, seriousness is one which we need to come up with our self if you want to grow big in life. Some people are born serious, some become serious due to the situation they face. If you don't fall in these two categories, it is very hard for you to become serious then. However, not every successful man was born serious, but they found a way to be more serious about their goals and how to be more effective in life.
Here are five ways on how to be serious in life:
Visualize Your Future
The best way is to visualize your future as per your current efforts. If you are a person who isn't working hard in academics or job, then you wouldn't be much successful as your potential is. This might scare you, but you need to take this in a positive way and try to change yourself and your lifestyle.
You need to toughen yourself up by not procrastinating everything in life. Everything you feel like postponing imagine the disastrous future you might have if you take it lightly. Eg, if you are a skinny guy. Imagine you won't get the girl of your choice if you remain skinny and it will help you do your current work more seriously. -
Pick A Person To Disappoint
Many of us don't work well under the fear of the future as it scares us even more. Hence, you need a pick person in your life whom you don't want to disappoint, like your parents, siblings, or partner. Set realistic goals in your life and tell this special person about it.
If you fail those goals, they would be disappointing them, and this might hurt you. You will start to take these goals more seriously as you don't want them to see you as a failure. This way, you are creating a situation which is forcing you to be successful in life, but you need to do it correctly for it to work. -
Give Yourself Motivation
Many of us watch a movie or a video, and we become motivated. But that doesn't work for long. As soon as the hangover of those stories ends in our mind, so does the motivation. We need a reason to be motivated from within.
That motivation can be anything from taking your parents to their far away ancestral place or giving your children the comfort, you didn't have. Anything which motivates you will force you to be serious in life. If you don't want to loose your partner, keep it as a motivation to improve your life, and this will keep you serious in life. -
Commit Yourself In Public
All of us shamed to be put in the spot in public. Committing to a goal in public puts you in a situation of public shame. Which all we are afraid of. This puts a watch on our head and force us to work. This is an effective way to become serious in life. But beware only do this if you can handle the pressure of a deadline, otherwise, this will backfire and drive you even further in the trap.
But if you get serious, you will turn out to be even more confident and will demand respect from everyone around. So, this is a double edge sword, it may or may not work. -
Take Responsibility Of Your Action
People often run from taking responsibility for their life. They would rather change their goal then face the consequence of their action. For example, Students often change their major due to low marks and then excuse themselves as they were never interested in the first place.
However, if you start taking responsibility for yourself, you will work your way so that you don't need to face everyone with head down. This reminds me of a saying, "A person works when he knows he doesn't have anyone to work for him". When we know we can only change our life, we become serious and try to change our life with all we have.