
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dear Home Minister, We Nepalese can code and we do know English as well!!!

 The following class gives us an overview of the
 development strategy of Nepal where development is
 initiated in a method that is void, yet a return type
 is expected.
public class NEPAL
 private  Development<Progress> development = new Development<Progress>();
 //Creating Develeopment to hold lists of Progress
 int progressID;

 The following method takes 4 parameters of described type
 the for loop is placed so that the value of Resources can be generated until its value is equal to that of politicianAndRelatedObjects
 the if loop runs only when the above for loop runs with 100% success
 if not the else statement will return the development value (initially set as null).
 public void developmentStrategy(Resourses money, ManPower ordinaryNepali,
 Profit politicianAndRelatedObjects, Profit nationalTreasure)
  development = null;
  progressID = development.get(0);
  //any project will not initiate unless politicianAndRelatedObjects sees enough Resource
  if (money.equals(politicianAndRelatedObjects))
   This loop will execute only when ordinaryNepali are fully asleep
   and will assign all given Resources to the politicianAndRelatedObjects
   setting no physical progress of development

    development.add(new Progress(progressID, "Tea Parties organized with huge success"));
    return development;

    This loop will execute only when ordinaryNepali are half awake
    and will assign some half Resources to the nationalTreasure and remaining half to politicianAndRelatedObjects
    setting hopes of progress of development
    money.assigTO(nationalTreasure, politicianAndRelatedObjects);
    development.add(new Progress("The Council Members agrees on a decision"));
    return development;

    This loop will execute only when ordinaryNepali are half awake
    and will assign some half Resources to the nationalTreasure and remaining half to ordinaryNepali
    setting slight physical progress in development
    money.assigTO(nationalTreasure, ordinaryNepali);

    development.add(new Progress(progressID, "Work initiated until this.ordinaryNepali.equalsAsleep()"));
    return development;
   return development;